The Power of the Resurrection

Hopecityuc   -  

Modern traditions will tell you that today is about dressing your best and eating the best food of the year. Some have even forgotten the true meaning and power behind the Resurrection and what it means for us. 

So, what is the Resurrection and how can we understand the power behind it? 

What is the Resurrection?

Before you can understand the Resurrection, you must first understand the prophecy of Jesus’ death and the events that led up to it. 

In Isaiah 53, the prophecy described, in great detail, how Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. He was tortured and he suffered in silence because he knew what was to come. In this moment, Jesus said yes to doing what was necessary to save us but the story continues. 

The Resurrection is documented from four different perspectives in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John but the impact remains the same. Three days after Jesus’ death he was placed in a tomb but on the first day of the week (Sunday) he was resurrected. 

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.

-Matthew 28:6

Despite the struggles, the torture, and betrayal that Jesus suffered he knew something the world didn’t. He knew, even in the midst of the darkest time of his life, he would rise again to fulfill his promise and to show us what his sacrifice can do for us.

Why is the Resurrection important?

The Resurrection is proof of God’s power. Jesus’ love for us moved him to die for our sins so we can be forgiven and overcome anything just like he overcame death. Because he died, we don’t have to. 

Because He said yes to the darkness, we get to say yes to life.

– Trent Cory

For Hope City United’s Resurrection Sunday, Pastor Trent Cory gives us a detailed look at how important and powerful the resurrection was. Watch and learn more about what the Resurrection means for you and your life.